Clients’ Real Life Stories – Story of Jay
Taking the leap
It is indeed an honour and a privilege to share my story, and I hope that it encourages others to take the leap and contact Dorota.
My story began on the 18th July 2018. I was in Southern Africa. A single Mum, working all the hours I could. I had three jobs, one as a marketing and sales manager in the mornings, a personal assistant in the afternoons and a bookkeeper at the weekend. Despite all these jobs and no free time, I was not able to make ends meet. There was no free time to relax and there was no spare cash for any pleasures. It was being on a hamster wheel and not being able to get off. The economic situation in the Country was getting worse daily. I knew that I had to make some drastic changes in my life or my health was going to suffer and that would put my children in a worse off situation. I knew that the only way I could make a change was for me to leave the country and go abroad. I have deep faith but also knew that I had to find a very practical down to earth person to assist me in setting goals and putting concrete plans in place.
The journey
It was indeed by a miracle that I found Dorota online, I read her website and it just resonated with me. The next issue I had of course, was how on earth would I afford this. But miracles happen and I realised that I had to take the leap of faith and invest in myself in order to make the life changes. We had our first session and I was able to share my story, my hearts desires in a beautiful safe space. Dorota is kind, gentle, and very practical. She offered me exactly what I was looking for, someone who was not only kind but would help me to set specific goals and provide me the opportunity to be accountable to someone. At the end of that session I felt so excited because I really knew at my core that everything was indeed possible. (I didn’t want to let my monkey mind get the better of me, so I worked on our sheets, and kept focused on our discussions, this way not letting the fear and doubts creep in). I certainly held a lot of fears, such as my age, was I too old to make this change, coming from Africa did I have what anyone in Europe would want – was I capable of getting a good job, would I even be able to get into Europe with no personal connections there? How would I manage to move myself and 4 children across with no money and where would I start?
Doing the work
Each session with Dorota gave me strength and courage. I felt that I was accountable to someone and that helped me stay focused. Having coaching is a great way to have a safe space to explore all your desires with someone whose sole purpose is to assist you in moving forward. As long as one is aware that “you” are ultimately responsible for the outcome. You have to be prepared to do the work and to bring about the change. Dorota has so many useful resources available and all her material is excellent in helping one explore what is possible and keep one motivated, on track and focused. I held many limiting beliefs about myself, and although I had big dreams, deep down it did not feel that they could be achieved. I was fearful of failure and of letting myself down along with my family. The sessions looked at the fears, helped me to put things into perspective and work through them. It was not all an easy ride; I wrote to 5 companies each and every day of the week. I received a few replies, but nothing was ever really encouraging and positive. However, I gave thanks for the one’s that did reply and consoled myself that at least they felt I deserved a response. So, I would find a positive in each situation that could have appeared as a dead end. I believe keeping this high positive attitude helped to bring about the changes as well.
Miracles happen
Working with Dorota online helped me to keep positive and raise my vibration, not giving way to my fears. Over the months life began to unfold in the most amazing ways. Miracles happened one after the other and on the 14th February 2019 we arrived in The Netherlands and began our new life. It took 6 months to go from totally desperate and in a state of absolute hopelessness to achieving what seemed like an impossible dream. This may all sound incredible, but it is all true. Was there one specific thing that the coaching did to help me along the way? Yes – I had someone who believed in me, who held my hand and gave me the strength to face each obstacle with clarity and strength and not go into fear or give my power away. I learnt to tap into my truth. My advice to anyone who is in a place in their career or their personal life where they feel stuck, and as if life has lost the joy, please know that no matter how desperate the situation is, you can change it. It may seem like an impossible task, but nothing is impossible, if you are prepared to put the work in, everything is possible, and life truly can be joyful and fulfilling.
I have immense gratitude, admiration and love for Dorota.
Thank you for helping me to provide my children with a life.
Do you also feel, that now is the time to change? Schedule a free call with Dorota.
Photo by Martin Woortman on Unsplash