Career Jump!
Do you feel stuck in your professional life? Are you looking for a new path and need a guide to take you through the necessary steps? Then this book is for you!
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about the book
We often fall into our career as a result of our study choices, and the circumstances or wishes of our parents. Then, after a couple of years, we wake up and realize that we are not satisfied. We want to live and work with purpose and to make conscious decisions about our next career steps.
This book takes you through a personally shaped career coaching process.It offers practical exercises and many inspiring stories from my clients who, through coaching, have found a new, meaningful career.
This is your chance to switch off the automatic pilot and get behind the wheel of your career. Career Jump! shows you how to face your fears and limitations and takes you on a journey to meet the most important person in your life – YOU!
about the book
We often fall into our career as a result of our study choices, and the circumstances or wishes of our parents. Then, after a couple of years, we wake up and realize that we are not satisfied. We want to live and work with purpose and to make conscious decisions about our next career steps.
This book takes you through a personally shaped career coaching process.It offers practical exercises and many inspiring stories from my clients who, through coaching, have found a new, meaningful career.
This is your chance to switch off the automatic pilot and get behind the wheel of your career. Career Jump! shows you how to face your fears and limitations and takes you on a journey to meet the most important person in your life – YOU!
Empowering real-life stories
Presents stories of Dorota’s clients who successfully reinvented their careers
Effective Transition plan
Teaches you how to prepare a step-by-step transition plan that works!
Getting support
Shows you how to build your own pit-crew to help you succeed in your transition.
Reinventing your professional path
Helps you to discover all necessary ingredients required for career change
Conquering obstacles
Shows you how to identify your stumbling blocks and how to remove them from your way!
North Star
Empowers you to reset your inner compass for the life and career full of meaning and purpose
Chapter 1
Where are you right now?
Life changes
There is a reason you are holding this book. It means that you are curious, or that you are not happy with where you are in your career right now. In both cases, I invite you to use this chapter to take stock.
We are constantly busy. We have many roles that we juggle continuously. This book is meant to help you to stop spinning the balls for a moment so that you can reflect on your life and career. What aspects are you happy with? What are you not happy with? Throughout the book, I will ask many questions that will help you to get to know yourself better. By doing this, you will be better equipped to decide on the career that will make you happy.
The train
To explain the typical course of our careers, I often use the metaphor of a train. If you are on a moving train, it is very difficult to get off and change direction. So when do we get off? When the train stops. It often stops when a major life-changing event occurs: when we become parents, when we reach burnout, when we get sick, when we move abroad, when we are made redundant. So if your train has stopped and you are at the station, take a look around. Do you know where your train was going? Were you happy with the direction in which it was taking you? If yes, great. Get on again and continue the ride. If not, stop! Take your time before you catch the next train. I want this book to be your station. The station where you can figure it all out. And once you have, you can then catch the right train!
(Excerpt from Chapter 1)
Real life stories
Next to seventeen chapters full of exercises designed to help you, step by step, create the right career path, the book includes ten real-life stories of my clients, who went through their own career change journey.
About the author

Dorota Klop-Sowinska, founder of DoSo! Coaching, is a certified coach and counselor. She specializes in career coaching, career transition, leadership coaching and talent development.
In 2007, after the near-death delivery of her first child, Dorota completely changed her career from one in the corporate world to coaching and counseling. The main focus of Dorota’s work is to help women across the globe to find their meaningful career path and transition to it.
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Dorota Klop-Sowińska
“Career Jump! is a wise and practical guide to aligning your career with what you want from your life. The book is rich with quizzes, worksheets, and other helpful tools to clarify your career direction, determine where you fit in the world of work, and move forward confidently to set yourself on the right path. I highly recommend Career Jump! to everyone who suspects their career may be off track.”
“I made a couple of major career changes. I quit my job, went on the MasterChef TV program, gave cooking classes, ran a catering business, and wrote a cookbook. I wish I’d had Career Jump! at the start of my journey – it would have made it much easier. Dorota’s book will give you the nudge you need to start your change. It will help you reflect on and understand what truly matters to you, so that you will not only focus on your goals, but actually enjoy the process.”
“If you’re thinking of changing direction in your professional (and personal) life, look no further than Dorota’s book, Career Jump!. It breaks this possibly daunting prospect into manageable pieces, and gives real life examples and experiences of a variety of people who made the change. Dorota’s style of coaching shines through too – supportive, practical and helping you jump to the next level. I especially liked the exercises, and the models which give structure to the thinking on offer.
The spirit of the book is in line with today’s shift towards purpose as a measure of fulfilment, instead of pure acquisition. Having made the change myself a decade ago without these tools, I only wish this book had been available then!”
“Are you feeling stuck in mid-career misery, exiled to employment ennui, or convinced that occupational opportunity is passing you by? Then Dorota Klop-Sowinska’s Career Jump!: How to Successfully Change Your Professional Path is definitely for you.
Dorota masterfully and methodically guides you through the challenges and complexity of career transition, taking you from where you are to where you want to be − and how to get there. The exercises, prompts and insightful questions of her seven-step process engage; case studies, examples, research findings, and quotes inform and inspire. With Career Jump!, you’ll identify and build on your values, talents, interests and passion, unlock your life’s purpose or true calling, and discover the meaningful work you’re meant to do.”
“Dorota Klop-Sowinska’s brilliant book: Career Jump! How to Successfully Change Your Professional Path couldn’t have come at a better time for me, as I found myself once again looking for a transition into something new.
Having never previously delved deep into what values I deem essential to have a happy and fulfilling life, I found this section particularly enlightening, as I’ve now been able to mould my next work goals around those values, which is fantastic.
Whether you’re employed, self-employed or unemployed, this book will give you the guidance you need to decide on your next move with confidence.”
I was privileged to be at the book launch of Career Jump! in 2019! The story of how the book came to life and the passion Dorota has for her clients, was inspiring! I immediately purchased the book with the intention to read and learn.
Since then I’ve picked it up and then put it down so many times, and I know because it is challenging me in ways I didn’t expect.
Then Covid-19 hit and like so many people, I started to reflect on my purpose and asking myself what am I doing with my precious time?
I’m half way through but I can already feel things starting to shift and the more I discover the clearer it becomes. My biggest ah, ha moment is part where Dorota asks you to look at your life in one, three, ten years and so on. It opened my eyes to where I want to be and why I need to wait that long! I’m excited to finish and see where my next jump will lead!
I really liked the book. Although I knew the exercises from my work as a coach I still found them incredibly powerful when applied to myself. Dorota’s stories bring them to life, it seems like she is giving you her hand, guiding you through the doubts you might have about a career jump. A best read if you are feeling unhappy with your job. I write about mothers as leaders and Dorota left us a great legacy with her book.
Career Jump! is a comprehensive guide on how to successfully change your professional path, and it is most suitable for people considering and ready for a second career. The book is rich on quizzes and exercises that tease out the answers to questions on the importance of knowing and respecting your values, purpose, passions, and life mission. It is an engaging personal story, how-to-book and career change support and reference book into one. Highly recommended!
“Career Jump!” is a must-read for anyone reflecting on what they want to be when they grow up! The book is packed with actionable insights and tips. The Career Jump Model is a simple reflection tool that is very helpful to orient on the different career path perspectives.
The author, Dorota Klop-Sowinska, clearly has deep and rich experiences coaching a wide diversity of people, and she brings a lot of these stories and anecdotes to life in her writing.
I have benefited from the concepts in the book and really recommend it highly!”
On Saturday, I opened Dorota Klop-Sowinska’s book Career Jump! How to Successfully Change Your Professional Path and I don’t want to put it down.
The book has found me at a key time – I am asking myself: “How to increase my earning power while doing things that lend to my strengths?”
In the past, I followed the path of least resistance and followed the advice of others’ blindly. It’s an on-going process for me to answer the question, “What do I want to do for a living & Find a monetary match”.
I oftentimes feel alone in not having a clear career path. I struggle with opinions – particularly from recruiters – that my career isn’t traditional and doesn’t neatly hit all of the search engine key words.
But one case study in particular resonated so deeply. The client writes, “I feel that people sometimes get stuck as they fall into the trap of thinking that they need to figure out the exact direction they want to take. To my mind, it’s much better to follow your natural curiosity, to experiment with different ideas. You can’t process everything simply by thinking it through. But by following your curiosity, in time, you might just discover what motivates you.”
Why I like Career Jump:
– More like a workbook – Culminates Dorota’s favorite coaching tools
– Includes client case studies throughout
– DIY option to start analyzing your next career move
– Insight into what it’s like to be coached
– Target Audiences: Working expats & Global citizens
As an American living abroad, it is so nice to read stories of others that moved away from their native country. There are different challenges and mindsets.
Thank you & Congratulations, Dorota!
September 2019
It is said that when the apprentice is ready, the master appears.
I can confirm with complete conviction that I reached for Dorota’s book Career Jump! at the perfect moment in my life. I am the ‘living proof’ that the methods and tools Dorota offered are not only applicable but, above all, very effective.
By using the exercises that Dorota shares in her work, I realized that I can be more than I am now, and it does not necessarily mean a radical life change. The most important thing was to get off the ground and start heading in the chosen direction.
We all know that in order to grow we need to put effort into it, but it is all about knowing where to put this effort, and this knowledge I owe Dorota the most.
In her book Career Jump! she offers fantastic support in communicating with oneself on a completely new level, thanks to which I was able to quickly systematize my actions and enter into the right path and towards the desired goal.
This practical handbook allowed me to go through the process of self-coaching in a very intuitive way, thanks to which I quickly established a deeper relationship with myself, deepened my personal and professional observations, and consequently led to growth on many levels.
Anyone who invests in Dorota’s book is actually investing in themselves.
Career Jump! has changed my life. Sounds cliché, well it does not matter how it sounds but it’s true.
I was looking for a career coach and I already met Dorota. At first I wasn’t sure if she really resonates with me and if we are good match for coaching sessions. I decided to read a book to see what she advises.
Well this was a game changer experience! Not only I felt connected to Dorota only after reading first few pages but I also felt like this is complete path how to follow your hart in choosing the occupation that really fits you – FITS YOU! Not the other way, what I was doing most of my life …, and the only time I didn’t compromise on my values was when I became a mum and couldn’t compromise not only my well being but the one I love the most my son.
Back to the book it’s full with exercises and practical tips how to recheck and evaluate your preferences and skills. Establish your values and recognize how important is our surroundings and environment we function it.
This book took me five steps further in selecting the career path and after finishing it I met Dorota to reflect on potential jobs I was striking for. I of course will see Dorota more often and every time it’s a true pleasure, but especially for those how are not sure where to start or are on the track already and want to reinsure their choices this is TOP reading position!
Game changer as I said.
With love and gratitude,
One of the most difficult tasks in life is to find your “Element” that’s were your passion meets your talent.
I have been coaching many young people and have tried to help them to find it.
Dorota’s book Career Jump! is something I have been waiting for. The moving way she describes her personal development and the meaningful exercises, the real-life experiences and inspiring stories make this a fun to read, great, practical book for anyone who is trying to find his/her Element.
A great companion for coaches and mentors who are helping people to find their purpose in life.
Career Jump!
Do you feel stuck in your professional life? Are you looking for a new path and need a guide to take you through the necessary steps? Then this book is for you!